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Foods that Start with Y

This list of foods that start with Y comes with this printable recipe card, plus lots of yummy (healthy) recipes for Y foods. 
You can also share this list of Y foods to Pinterest with the click of a button… this way you have it available the next time you want to make a food with Y in them. 
Special Tip: Be sure to see above for healthy recipes for foods that start with Y.
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Total Time 5 mins
Course Ingredient
Cuisine American
Servings 1 serving
Calories 100 kcal


  • Yogurt
  • Yams
  • Yakitori
  • Yorkshire Pudding
  • Yuzu
  • Yellowfin Tuna
  • Yeast
  • Yangmei
  • Yellow Beans
  • Yule Log
  • Yellow pepper
  • Yuca Frita


  • Yogurt - Yogurt is a type of dairy product. It has a thick, creamy texture and a slightly sour taste.
  • Yams - Yams are a type of root vegetable. They have a sweet, earthy flavor and a dense, chewy texture.
  • Yakitori - Yakitori is a Japanese dish consisting of chicken skewers that are grilled over charcoal.
  • Yorkshire Pudding - Yorkshire pudding is a type of savory pudding that is made from flour, eggs, and milk.
  • Yuzu - Yuzu is a type of citrus fruit that is native to Japan. It has a tart, sour flavor, and juicy, acidic flesh.
  • Yellowfin Tuna - Yellowfin tuna is a type of fish that is found in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and a firm, dense texture.
  • Yeast - Yeast is a type of fungus that is used to leaven bread and make beer. It has a slightly sweet, nutty flavor.
  • Yangmei - Yangmei is a type of fruit that is native to China. It has a sweet, tart flavor, and a juicy, fleshy texture.
  • Yellow Beans - Yellow beans are a type of legume that is native to South America. They have a sweet, nutty flavor and a firm, crunchy texture.
  • Yule Log - Yule Log is a type of dessert that is popular in France and other countries in Europe. It is made from a chocolate sponge cake that is rolled up with whipped cream and jam, and it is typically decorated with frosting, chocolate shavings, and candy decorations.
  • Yellow pepper- Yellow pepper is a type of bell pepper that has a sweet, tangy flavor and a crisp, firm texture.
  • Yuca Frita - Yuca Frita is a type of dish that is popular in Latin America. It is made from boiled yuca root that is then fried in oil until it is crispy.
Keyword alphabet foods